词汇 | thesaurus_stand-for |
释义 | stand forThese are words and phrases related to stand for. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of stand for. TO BE THE ABBREVIATION FOR SOMETHINGGPS stands for "Global Positioning System". Synonyms and examplesbe an/ DST is the abbreviation for daylight saving time. short for something Jo is short for Josephine. be abbreviated to The word "immunoglobulin" is often abbreviated to "Ig". be shortened to The word "propeller" is often shortened to "prop". Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of stand for. See words related to stand forabbreviation acronym initialism Learn more An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase. You can also say that a word or phrase is the abbreviation for something. stand for | American Thesaurusstand forverb These are words and phrases related to stand for. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. SIGNIFYSynonymssignify be a sign of mean import indicate represent connote convey express manifest evidence evince demonstrate exhibit show proclaim declare announce communicate set forth designate disclose reveal tell give notice of imply intimate suggest hint at denote typify symbolize bespeak betoken argue portend predict prognosticate augur omen forebode foretell foreshadow presage herald promise PREACHSynonymspreach advocate urge advise counsel profess press urgently exhort propagate hold forth declare pronounce expound admonish promulgate prescribe SYMBOLIZESynonymssymbolize mean emblemize represent express personify connote denote emblematize signify betoken symbol signalize imply allego Antonymsshadow forth embody exemplify TYPIFYSynonymstypify personify represent exemplify characterize embody sum up epitomize betoken incarnate pass for instance connote ABIDESynonymssuffer submit to accept abide bear stand tolerate put up with endure last stomach brook |