词汇 | thesaurus_spur-on |
释义 | spur onverb These are words and phrases related to spur on. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. EXCITESynonymsexcite thrill electrify galvanize rouse arouse stir up agitate move stimulate energize kindle fire inflame provoke animate incite foment instigate titillate get a kick out of Antonymsdull lull bore soothe quiet calm pacify GALVANIZESynonymsinfuse new life into vitalize fire inspire thrill wake awaken rally foment provoke galvanize arouse rouse excite stimulate stir move electrify bring to vitality quicken Antonymslull soothe pacify dull deaden ANIMATESynonymsanimate stimulate arouse stir inspire move impel set on incite instigate activate actuate goad urge prompt provoke work up Antonymsdiscourage dampen deter restrain inhibit curb check |