词汇 | thesaurus_sporty |
释义 | sportyadjective These are words and phrases related to sporty. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of sporty. SWANKYSynonymsswanky smart stylish chic elegant fashionable showy fancy dashing swank flashy splashy sumptuous rich grand ritzy Slang sharp Slang jazzy Slang plush Slang posh Slang snazzy Slang spiffy Slang Antonymsrestrained subdued conservative austere JAUNTYSynonymsdebonair dapper high stepping spruce neat trim jaunty lighthearted high-spirited buoyant bouncy perky lively sprightly vivacious airy breezy blithe free and easy carefree natty Informal Antonymsstaid sober sedate dignified dull lifeless pessimistic FLASHYSynonymssmart flashy dazzling flamboyant showy pretentious gaudy garish loud tawdry ostentatious jazzy Slang bedizened tricked out tinsel raffish vulgar in bad taste Antonymsplain modest simple natural unaffected RAKISHSynonymsrakish jaunty sporting breezy sauntering airy dashing dapper cavalier debonair gallant bumptious swaggering DAPPERSynonymsdapper smart neat trim spruce modish stylish jaunty natty well-groomed spiffy Slang RAFFISHSynonymsraffish rakish jaunty casual fast devil-may-care CASUALSynonymscasual informal non-dressy haphazard random Antonymsdressy ceremonial |