词汇 | thesaurus_sport |
释义 | sportnoun These are words and phrases related to sport. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of sport. Tennis is a popular sport. Synonymsathletic pastime physical activity game competition contest athletics diversion recreation fun distraction divertissement entertainment amusement play relaxation hobby Antonymsbusiness job duty work The kids' teasing was only sport. Synonymsplay jest jesting pleasantry skylarking trifling kidding jollity gaiety frolic mirth hilarity antics lark fun joviality merrymaking festivity raillery ridicule mockery scoffing derision chaff badinage persiflage depreciation Antonymscruelty seriousness respect adoration The pompous man was sport for the unfriendly crowd. Synonymslaughingstock monkey butt fair game scapegoat buffoon joke goat Dick's a sport—he'll try anything. Synonymsgame person gambler daredevil Antonymssissy coward stick-in-the-mud sportverb The colts were sporting in the meadow. Synonymsplay disport amuse oneself play games make merry dally caper gambol revel frisk trip cavort frolic rollick lark romp skylark Antonymswork toil He sported with her affection. Synonymstoy trifle take advantage of play be frivolous dally play cat-and-mouse deal lightly treat cavalierly take in ill-treat abuse misuse He sports an ivory-handled cane these days. Synonymsdisplay exhibit show off flourish carry bear |