词汇 | thesaurus_solemnity |
释义 | solemnitynoun These are words and phrases related to solemnity. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of solemnity. GRANDEURSynonymspomp state augustness dignity grandeur magnificence majesty splendor stateliness impressiveness resplendence nobility glory sublimity importance celebrity eminence fame distinction excellence luster loftiness Antonymspaltriness triviality pettiness smallness insignificance unimportance degradation inferiority commonness meanness POMPSynonymspomp stately display ceremony pageantry spectacle splendor grandeur magnificence brilliance glory flourish style show display pompousness ostentation pretentiousness showiness grandiosity affectation front Informal SACRAMENTSynonymssacrament rite ceremony liturgy observance ceremonial ministration pledge promise vow covenant troth obligation contract plight affirmation GRAVITYSynonymsgravity seriousness gravitas solemnness earnestness thoughtfulness dignity sobriety sedateness staidness gloominess somberness grimness calmness serenity tranquillity Antonymsfrivolousness frivolity facetiousness flippancy thoughtlessness gaiety merriment glee joy happiness HALOSynonymshalo atmosphere of glory magnificence splendor resplendence radiance luminousness luster illustriousness majesty dignity grandeur holiness sanctity sublimity spiritual aura SERIOUSNESSSynonymsseriousness earnestness gravity gravitas humorlessness intentness sedateness sincerity staidness sternness thoughtfulness sober-mindedness sobriety DIGNITYSynonymsdignity comportment dignified behavior respectful deportment self-possession decorum stateliness lofty bearing proud demeanor impressiveness of character majesty augustness OBSERVANCESynonymsobservance ceremonial commemoration celebration memorialization ceremony ritual rite custom practice formality AWESynonymsawe wonder reverence veneration exaltation respect adoration amazement astonishment abashment Antonymscontempt scorn disdain irreverence disrespect insolence arrogance superciliousness levity |