词汇 | thesaurus_small-amount |
释义 | small amountnoun These are words and phrases related to small amount. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. MORSELSynonymsmorsel nibble tidbit taste bite swallow crumb snack sliver sip piece nip drop dollop mouthful bit scrap touch speck little piece segment scintilla trace whit modicum fragment iota particle fraction grain MODICUMSynonymsmodicum minimum drop jot fragment sliver smidgen small quantity mite bit pinch trifle dash little bit particle dab tinge sprinkling touch speck snatch fraction grain iota handful crumb morsel whit atom scrap inch IOTASynonymsiota faint degree particle jot smidgin tiniest quantity whit shred atom scintilla spark bit spot speck Antonymsmass lot PITTANCESynonymspittance trifle modicum minimum little smidgen crumb mite trifling sum small allowance minimal wage FLICKERSynonymsflicker vestige modicum scintilla flame spark glimmer glint trace TRICKLESynonymslittle bit small quantity trickle dribble drip seepage slow stream Antonymsstream gush flood cascade surge spurt lot lots much many |