词汇 | thesaurus_slow-witted |
释义 | slow-wittedadjective These are words and phrases related to slow-witted. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of slow-witted. UNINTELLIGENTSynonymsunintelligent stupid dumb obtuse asinine simpleminded blockheaded thickheaded half-witted dull dense dull-witted thick slow doltish blank dopey Slang Antonymsintelligent smart brainy sharp brilliant BACKWARDSynonymsdull dense backward slow slow-paced retarded behind undeveloped remiss tardy impeded sluggish laggard Antonymsadvanced ahead SLOWSynonymsslow dim-witted dull-witted slow on the uptake backward stupid obtuse dense dumb dim dull impercipient unperceptive Antonymsquick-witted smart bright intelligent perceptive OBTUSESynonymsobtuse dull dense slow thick stupid ignorant simple uncomprehending insensitive insensible imperceptive thick-skinned Antonymsintelligent bright smart clever quick-witted keen sharp alert sensitive DOPEYSynonymsdopey dumb stupid dull-witted mindless witless simple-minded block-headed idiotic asinine thickheaded brainless DOPEYSynonymsdopey sluggish lethargic torpid slumberous leaden comatose Antonymsbrisk energetic peppy vivacious animated |