词汇 | thesaurus_simpatico |
释义 | simpáticoadjective These are words and phrases related to simpático. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. FAMILIARSynonymsfamiliar friendly informal amicable close intimate confidential unreserved cozy snug chummy hand and glove brotherly fraternal accessible companionable gemütlich German forward unduly intimate free bold impertinent taking liberties disrespectful intrusive Antonymsdistant detached indifferent formal aloof cold KINDREDSynonymskindred like allied closely related similar corresponding alike matching resembling analogous united harmonious agreeing accordant congenial sympathetic consanguine related intimately related akin familial Antonymsalien unrelated uncongenial different LIKABLESynonymslikable pleasing genial attractive easily liked charming winsome lovable pleasant amiable agreeable engaging appealing complaisant nice sympathetic Antonymsunlikable displeasing unpleasant hateful odious repellent repulsive COZYSynonymscozy snug snugly warm comfortable comfy relaxing easy restful snug as a bug in a rug homelike homey gemütlich German |