词汇 | thesaurus_show |
释义 | showverb These are words and phrases related to show. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of show. Does my slip show?. Synonymsbe visible be within view come into view appear peep forth be noticeable attract attention Antonymshide conceal secrete withhold suppress be invisible be unnoticeable The test will show how much each student knows. Synonymsreveal disclose make known manifest uncover bare lay bare expose unveil bring to light demonstrate exhibit display prove evidence evince suggest intimate hint at represent establish bespeak argue testify to attest confirm substantiate certify corroborate bear out bear witness to Antonymshide conceal obscure veil screen mask cloak cover disprove deny refute Show me how this lock works. Synonymsexplain indicate make clear point out make known to inform teach instruct coach school tutor demonstrate Show the guest into the study. Synonymsdirect lead guide usher conduct The judge showed leniency to the prisoner. Synonymsgrant give bestow endow tender proffer impart favor lavish dispense distribute Antonymswithhold keep withdraw shownoun Many hands went up in a show of support. His face gave no show of fear. Synonymsdisplay demonstration exhibition sign expression token mark evidence indication manifestation revelation disclosure testimonial attestation confirmation Antonymshiding concealing disguise camouflage The painting was purchased at a sidewalk art show. Synonymsexhibit exhibition exposition fair display demonstration There's a good television show on tonight. The local theater has a new show this week. Synonymsprogram production entertainment performance spectacle ceremony pomp Her headache was just a show to avoid going to work. He likes to put on a show of wealth for his guests. Synonymsdisplay pretext pretense pretension affectation pose sham front counterfeit impression effect appearance illusion delusion vaunting flaunting |