词汇 | thesaurus_settled |
释义 | settledadjective These are words and phrases related to settled. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of settled. STIFFSynonymsstiff stubborn tenacious firm steadfast decided determined strong indomitable fixed staunch unfaltering unflinching iron steely steeled dogged steady unswerving grim obstinate persistent strong-willed uncompromising stern constant resolute resolved intense valiant brave unshaken courageous Antonymshalfhearted undecided faltering irresolute shaky COMMONSynonymscustomary conventional standard established familiar everyday well-known widely known popular traditional oft-repeated pervasive common commonplace ordinary frequent often met with routine regular stock garden-variety household homespun prosaic threadbare moth-eaten old-hat worn-out worn thin informal colloquial Antonymsuncommon unusual rare infrequent strange unique odd abnormal exceptional unfamiliar extraordinary unpopular unorthodox unconventional unheard of scarce unknown little-known formal sophisticated literary CERTAINSynonymscertain definite inevitable positive inescapable bound to happen sure conclusive indubitable unequivocal unmistakable unquestionable unqualified indisputable undisputed undeniable incontrovertible incontestable irrefutable reliable absolute unalterable unchangeable unshakable well-grounded valid Antonymsdoubtful unlikely questionable unclear unsure unsettled indefinite inconclusive undecided disputable unreliable unfounded equivocal qualified fallible STAIDSynonymsstaid sedate sober somber subdued serious dignified reserved undemonstrative solemn stiff quiet earnest demure grave complacent priggish prudish decent decorous seemly proper Antonymsexuberant jaunty wild indecorous flighty frivolous demonstrative playful capricious loose STEREOTYPEDSynonymsstereotyped fixed conventional hackneyed overused commonplace trite banal dull ordinary lifeless uninteresting stale boring worn pointless insipid inane Antonymsrare uncommon unusual interesting fresh sensible OVERSynonymsover at an end finished ended concluded done terminated completed lapsed elapsed expired passed away no more gone past bygone Antonymsbegun started commenced in progress COMPLETESynonymscomplete thorough absolute total utter conclusive perfect consummated fully realized accomplished achieved performed executed carried out Antonymsinconclusive imperfect deficient spoiled marred blemished tainted unfinished unsettled unachieved unaccomplished undone ASSUREDSynonymsassured guaranteed certain sure secure dependable fixed positive undoubted unquestionable irrefutable indisputable indubitable Antonymsuncertain unsure insecure unsettled questionable doubtful disputable |