词汇 | thesaurus_set-off |
释义 | set offverb These are words and phrases related to set off. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. COUNTERBALANCESynonymscounterbalance offset compensate for atone for make up for correct amend rectify check balance equalize neutralize recompense make good make compensation counteract counterweigh countervail counterpoise outweigh outbalance redeem GARNISHSynonymsgarnish embellish decorate adorn ornament trim beautify deck bedeck array spruce up furbish festoon smarten gild embroider emblazon trick out Informal dress up Informal doll up Informal deck out Informal Antonymsstrip make bare denude deprive divest STARTSynonymsstart commence get going begin to move make off set out leave take off venture out sally forth hit the trail depart set sail push off embark Antonymdelay EMBELLISHSynonymsembellish enhance elaborate exaggerate ornament decorate adorn beautify garnish gild color embroider dress up fancy up gussy up Slang Antonymssimplify strip bare DISCHARGESynonymsdischarge shoot activate touch off fire off detonate trigger explode send forth a missile from eject launch propel let fly MOUNTSynonymsput in position on set into affix frame fix set mount install fit equip outfit rig fit out DETONATESynonymsdetonate explode touch off discharge fire shoot ignite fulminate burst erupt go off blow up TRIGGERSynonymstrigger start activate bring about cause generate produce prompt provoke spark EXPLODESynonymsdetonate explode blow up burst loudly burst violently go off erupt blast discharge violently Antonymsimplode fizzle DIFFERENTIATESynonymsdifferentiate distinguish set apart constitute a difference between make different contrast separate draw the line TRIPSynonymstrip release undo pull flip throw activate RELIEVESynonymsput in relief contrast relieve break up punctuate mark interrupt |