词汇 | thesaurus_set-going |
释义 | set goingverb These are words and phrases related to set going. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. INITIATESynonymsinitiate begin set afoot start be started get going open be opened get under way enter upon commence launch be launched originate institute found start the ball rolling kick off inaugurate take the lead set up break ground lay the foundation establish lead the way lay the first stone blaze the trail Antonymsconsummate fulfill execute accomplish achieve terminate conclude finish end complete ACTIVATESynonymsactivate start turn on actuate put into action stimulate propel prompt drive impel motivate energize vitalize mobilize stir Informal Antonymsdeactivate immobilize paralyze deaden stop turn off halt check FOUNDSynonymsfound establish institute organize bring about set up originate create develop give rise to start settle colonize STARTSynonymsstart set in operation put in motion set in action touch off ignite kindle propel Antonymsstall turn off |