词汇 | thesaurus_scrimping |
释义 | scrimpingadjective These are words and phrases related to scrimping. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. MISERLYSynonymsmiserly parsimonious stingy selfish avaricious mean tight tight-fisted grasping penurious pinching penny-pinching frugal illiberal closehanded close-fisted ungenerous greedy niggardly near meager grudging cheap Antonymsgenerous unselfish charitable extravagant prodigal profligate ECONOMICSynonymstightfisted closefisted parsimonious penurious niggardly chary sparing spartan economic thrifty economizing saving frugal prudent careful not wasteful low-priced cheap reasonable modest scrimpingnoun FRUGALITYSynonymsfrugality carefulness economizing conservation moderation economy prudence saving thrift stinginess miserliness avariciousness parsimony |