词汇 | thesaurus_scornful |
释义 | scornfuladjective These are words and phrases related to scornful. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of scornful. LORDLYSynonymslordly haughty arrogant lofty proud disdainful aloof distant remote cold high-and-mighty hoity-toity snobbish imperious patronizing condescending conceited self-important stuck-up Informal puffed-up Informal snooty Informal tyrannical despotic domineering dictatorial bossy Antonymsmodest unassuming humble servile submissive gentle mild ABUSIVESynonymsderogatory disparaging defamatory scurrilous deprecatory castigating critical censorious slanderous reviling maligning vilifying abusive insulting harsh vituperative mean railing acrimonious offensive obscene foulmouthed vile rude gross Antonymslaudatory flattering complimentary praising extolling mild courteous respectful polite HAUGHTYSynonymshaughty arrogant overly proud disdainful contemptuous overbearing high and mighty high-handed lordly aloof officious snobbish conceited condescending patronizing hoity-toity swell-headed stuck-up Slang snooty Slang uppity Slang uppish Slang high-hat Slang highfalutin Slang Antonymshumble modest regular Slang hail-fellow-well-met Slang one of the boys Slang servile subservient obsequious self-effacing ARROGANTSynonymsinsolent disdainful contemptuous lordly pompous supercilious arrogant overbearing haughty presumptuous pretentious imperious overweening high-and-mighty vain conceited egoistical vainglorious self-important self-assuming swaggering Antonymsunassuming polite considerate modest diffident deferential self-effacing bashful meek shy PEJORATIVESynonymspejorative belittling disparaging uncomplimentary deprecatory detracting derogatory negative depreciatory slighting demeaning unpleasant downgrading mocking degrading debasing ridiculing disdainful contemptuous disapproving Antonymscomplimentary approving praising favorable commendatory MORDANTSynonymsmordant cutting stinging biting incisive sarcastic acerbic bitter caustic waspish venomous acrimonious trenchant scathing piercing virulent malicious acidulous Antonymssoothing pacifying charitable bland innocuous SARCASTICSynonymsbiting cutting piercing stinging bitter caustic mordant acerb sardonic sneering disparaging sarcastic ironic contemptuous mocking derisive taunting OUTRAGEOUSSynonymsoutrageous offensive abusive shameless shocking scandalous disgraceful insulting insolent rude disrespectful contemptuous infuriating maddening galling exasperating BITTERSynonymsbitter resentful sullen morose spiteful crabbed sour rancorous mean angry Antonymsgrateful thankful appreciative friendly amiable genial pleasant HATEFULSynonymshateful full of hate expressing hate evil forbidding contemptuous disdainful Antonymsfriendly loving affectionate devoted kind sweet pleasant |
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