词汇 | thesaurus_rueful |
释义 | ruefuladjective These are words and phrases related to rueful. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of rueful. CHEERLESSSynonymscheerless gloomy downcast dreary glum dispirited despondent dolorous forlorn downhearted funereal doleful spiritless dejected joyless desolate heavy-hearted solemn austere grim saturnine morose sullen sad melancholy miserable mournful lugubrious woebegone unhappy disconsolate woeful bleak gray dull sunless somber dismal uninviting depressing comfortless Antonymscheerful gay joyful light-hearted happy merry jolly gleeful elated POIGNANTSynonymspoignant moving affecting touching heartrending pitiful pitiable piteous distressing pathetic woeful grievous lamentable sad sorrowful tearful doleful biting trenchant cutting piercing penetrating sharp pungent piquant Antonymsunaffecting unmoving cold blunt unfeeling insipid trite vapid banal superficial SERIOUSSynonymssober somber sedate staid grim serious thoughtful pensive grave solemn frowning long-faced saturnine sad dejected downcast Antonymsthoughtless careless joyful happy jolly gay laughing frivolous PENITENTSynonymspenitent penitential repentant contrite atoning remorseful self-reproaching compunctious sorry conscience-stricken regretful Antonymsimpenitent unrepentant obdurate remorseless callous CONTRITESynonymscontrite conscience-stricken sorrowful regretful repentant penitent remorseful apologetic chastened humbled Antonymsproud pleased uncontrite unrepentant unapologetic |