词汇 | thesaurus_resort-to |
释义 | resort toverb These are words and phrases related to resort to. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. USESynonymsutilize apply exercise exert have recourse to avail oneself of take advantage of profit by capitalize on make the most of exploit use make use of put to use operate employ work manipulate handle ply wield FREQUENTSynonymsfrequent haunt go to frequently attend regularly go often to visit repeatedly be seen at regularly hang out at Slang hang around in Slang Antonymsshun avoid eschew steer clear of keep away from spurn LEANSynonymslean rely depend have faith in seek solace in take assurance from set store by trust in count on Antonymsreject withdraw from TOUCHSynonymsavail oneself of have recourse to have to do with be associated with deal with touch use utilize consume INVOKESynonymsinvoke put into effect have recourse to use implement employ apply introduce |