词汇 | thesaurus_representation |
释义 | representationnoun These are words and phrases related to representation. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of representation. GROUPSynonymsgroup assemblage aggregation gathering collection congregation crowd band throng party company cluster bunch pack gang troop detachment hoard swarm herd flock Antonymindividual IMAGESynonymsimage likeness facsimile copy picture pictorialization effigy portrait figure delineation depiction artistic or mechanical reproduction photograph semblance simulacrum PICTURESynonymspicture delineation portrayal illustration drawing painting sketch study etching photograph photo snapshot tintype daguerreotype EXAMPLESynonymsexample sample illustration exemplification specimen case in point archetype prototype pattern model ideal standard exemplar paragon Antonymsanomaly paradox abnormality aberration contradiction incongruity VOICESynonymsvoice right to express an opinion vote say role part participation will desire wish opinion choice preference option COPYSynonymscopy reproduction facsimile likeness duplicate carbon copy replica clone imitation counterfeit forgery fake sham Antonymsoriginal archetype prototype model pattern LIKENESSSynonymslikeness portrait picture image study model delineation depiction rendition portrayal replica facsimile effigy EPITOMESynonymsepitome embodiment exemplification model typification essence summation summary sum and substance ideal peak height PORTRAITSynonymsportrait description verbal picture word painting personal report thumbnail sketch impression picturization graphic account depiction vignette cameo METAPHORSynonymsmetaphor image figurative expression poetic equivalent sensory symbol figure of speech simile trope metonymy analogy parallel equivalence ROLESynonymsrole character part characterization impersonation portrayal persona personification pose posture guise DIAGRAMSynonymsdiagram outline plan drawing map line drawing sketch illustration chart rough projection breakdown IMAGERYSynonymsimagery picture pictures pictorialization illustration visualization iconography portrayal depiction rendering rendition IMITATIONSynonymsimitation impersonation impression burlesque mimicry parody takeoff travesty caricature adaptation aping MODELSynonymsmodel replica miniature representation prototype pattern facsimile simulacrum copy dummy mock-up ENACTMENTSynonymsenactment performance acting depiction impersonation personification playacting playing portrayal execution MAPSynonymsplot diagram plan map topographical chart chart graph projection elevation SYMBOLSynonymssymbol emblem token badge mark exemplification sign signal figure ILLUSTRATIONSynonymsillustration picture photograph portrayal drawing figure image plate ICONSynonymsicon picture image symbol idol sign |