词汇 | thesaurus_refreshing |
释义 | refreshingadjective These are words and phrases related to refreshing. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of refreshing. BALMYSynonymsbalmy gentle mild soft fair clement bland temperate summery warm pleasant agreeable calm calming easing soothing salubrious Antonymsharsh raw strong intense severe inclement rough discomforting irksome vexing annoying stormy unseasonable INVIGORATINGSynonymsinvigorating restorative enlivening animating strengthening energizing bracing healthful stimulating rejuvenating vitalizing quickening Antonymstiring weakening FRESHSynonymsfresh pure cool chill nipping bracing stinging cutting biting stiff brisk keen Antonymsstale impure polluted musty BRACINGSynonymsbracing invigorating stimulating energizing exhilarating restorative arousing strengthening fortifying reviving Antonymssoporific restful dulling depressing weakening debilitating enervating BRISKSynonymsbrisk bracing invigorating fresh stimulating stirring rousing exhilarating vivifying Antonymstiring exhausting fatiguing wearisome boring monotonous dull CRISPSynonymscrisp brisk pleasantly cool chilly nippy bracing fresh invigorating Antonymswarm balmy BALMYSynonymsbalmy fragrant sweet-smelling aromatic perfumed ambrosial redolent Antonymsstinking smelly malodorous foul offensive rank fetid putrid putrescent |