词汇 | thesaurus_puzzling |
释义 | puzzlingadjective These are words and phrases related to puzzling. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of puzzling. INDISTINCTSynonymsuncertain mysterious enigmatic hidden indeterminate ambiguous indistinct muffled vague not distinct unintelligible unclear inaudible weak faint not clearly defined not clearly perceptible obscure ill-defined indefinite cloudy murky shadowy clouded out of focus dim nebulous blurred muddy indecipherable illegible incomprehensible incoherent confused Antonymsdistinct intelligible comprehensible clear audible articulate well-defined perceptible definite INSCRUTABLESynonymsinscrutable unknowable incomprehensible indecipherable obscure not easily understood impenetrable to understanding unfathomable mysterious mystical mystifying arcane past comprehension beyond interpretation perplexing baffling inexplicable unsearchable enigmatic elusive unintelligible unreadable unrevealed pokerfaced Informal deadpan Informal hidden concealed veiled masked Antonymsobvious palpable plain clear manifest open evident patent penetrable comprehensible understandable intelligible explainable self-evident familiar explicable readable knowable revealing transparent lucid TOUGHSynonymstough difficult hard laborious arduous strenuous toilsome exhausting onerous formidable exacting troublesome trying grievous irksome hard-to-solve baffling bewildering perplexing confusing complicated intricate complex involved thorny knotty ticklish enigmatic Antonymssimple effortless slight MYSTERIOUSSynonymsmysterious strange enigmatic cryptic secret inscrutable obscure hidden covert clandestine baffling impenetrable perplexing secretive undercover sphinxlike cloudy inexplicable surreptitious unfathomable dark unknown supernatural mystical undecipherable Antonymsclear plain apparent manifest palpable COMPLEXSynonymscomplex complicated intricate involved difficult perplexing bewildering enigmatic composite compound manifold multiple multifarious variegated mixed tangled knotty labyrinthian labyrinthine Antonymssimple uncomplicated easy uninvolved clear obvious unconfused OBSCURESynonymsobscure unclear not easily understood hidden vague uncertain indefinite indefinable inscrutable unfathomable perplexing enigmatic cryptic confusing confused mysterious mystical Antonymsclear lucid plain transparent obvious evident manifest apparent explicit intelligible straightforward unmistakable CRYPTICSynonymscryptic perplexing enigmatical mysterious obscure ambiguous vague secret hidden mystical strange dark cabalistic arcane occult esoteric INEXPLICABLESynonymsmysterious mystifying abstruse baffling perplexing enigmatical inexplicable unexplainable unfathomable inscrutable insolvable incomprehensible unaccountable insoluble undecipherable Antonymsexplicable explainable fathomable solvable comprehensible accountable soluble reasonable understandable obvious clear MEANINGLESSSynonymsbaffling |