词汇 | thesaurus_problematical |
释义 | problematicaladjective These are words and phrases related to problematical. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. DIFFICULTSynonymscomplex complicated intricate hard to solve thorny ticklish knotty difficult hard onerous laborious strenuous demanding requiring much effort arduous not easy burdensome exhausting tedious wearisome toilsome formidable troublesome exacting trying uphill Herculean Sisyphean tough extreme hairy Slang enigmatic perplexing bewildering hard to understand Antonymssimple easy facile light clear uncomplicated lucid plain manifest CHANCYSynonymschancy risky precarious dubious doubtful uncertain unpredictable hazardous speculative venturesome capricious erratic whimsical touchy unsound tricky dicey Slang iffy Slang Antonymssure safe infallible predictable certain unmistakable UNRESOLVEDSynonymsdoubtful vague uncertain questionable moot speculative unresolved undetermined unsettled undecided unanswered unsolved unascertained pending tentative disputable contestable MOOTSynonymsmoot debatable questionable unsettled subject to argument disputed disputable arguable undecided unresolved open controvertible conjectural controversial eristic Antonymsindisputable self-evident axiomatic PRECARIOUSSynonymsprecarious vulnerable uncertain ticklish uncontrolled critical insecure touch-and-go not to be depended upon unreliable undependable doubtful dubious questionable Antonymscertain sure secure dependable reliable unquestionable |