词汇 | thesaurus_prickle |
释义 | pricklenoun These are words and phrases related to prickle. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of prickle. SPINESynonymsspine quill horn pointed projection barb spike spur point prong bristle bramble thorn briar needle BARBSynonymsbarb spur backward point point spike prong tine snag bristle nib cusp barbule spicule STINGSynonymspain hurt tingle irritation sting bite wound sore burn pinch nip BURNSynonymsburn smart sting tingle pain bite abrasion chafe scrape irritation TICKLESynonymstickle tickling sensation tingle twitching sensation itch scratchiness sting PRICKSynonymsprick perforation jab pinhole puncture prickleverb NETTLESynonymschafe sting harry harass nettle annoy irritate exasperate vex gall provoke bother perturb beset bait get one's goat Slang burn one up Slang get on one's nerves Slang give one a pain Slang miff Slang get in one's hair Slang put one off Slang BURNSynonymsburn pain hurt smart sting tingle prick bite nip chafe abrade scrape skin blister irritate nettle Antonymstickle cool assuage soothe ITCHSynonymsitch have an itch feel the need to scratch tickle crawl creep TINGLESynonymstingle have a prickling sensation sting tickle |