词汇 | thesaurus_plenteous |
释义 | plenteousadjective These are words and phrases related to plenteous. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of plenteous. LAVISHSynonymslavish free profuse plentiful abundant extravagant generous effusive prodigal bounteous bountiful copious without limit overwhelming intemperate sumptuous opulent luxuriant lush plush over-liberal excessive profligate immoderate unsparing unstinting munificent greathearted impetuous wild exuberant unrestrained Antonymsmeager parsimonious sparing scanty frugal cheap thrifty provident stingy niggardly tightfisted miserly UNSPARINGSynonymsunsparing ungrudging unstinting generous giving bountiful munificent magnanimous liberal big-hearted lavish profuse abundant extravagant copious plentiful full unconditional unqualified unlimited PLENTIFULSynonymsplentiful abundant profuse copious bountiful bounteous prolific lavish ample abounding overflowing lush liberal generous large unsparing unstinted infinite inexhaustible Antonymsscant scanty sparse inadequate insufficient deficient scarce skimpy sparing small meager PREGNANTSynonymspregnant full replete filled fraught abounding teeming rich fruitful fertile prolific luxuriant fecund copious productive proliferous fructiferous life-giving FERTILESynonymsfertile productive fruitful fructuous fecund vegetative luxuriant loamy rich generative reproductive capable of bearing offspring prolific capable of developing fertilized fecundated fructified Antonymsinfertile barren unproductive unfertilized poor dry unfruitful impotent sterile NUMBERLESSSynonymsnumberless countless innumerable numerous multitudinous myriad uncountable uncounted unnumbered immeasurable illimitable copious unbounded unending umpteen Slang zillions Slang Antonymsfew scarcely any a handful of a couple of THICKSynonymsabundant copious heaped piled thick swarming teeming dense profuse overflowing packed crowded Antonymsbare barren bereft empty MUCHSynonymsmuch abundant ample sufficient considerable appreciable copious plentiful plenty of a lot of beaucoup Slang Antonymlittle SUFFICIENTSynonymssufficient enough adequate ample plenty abundant copious satisfactory minimal up to the mark plentiful Antonymsinsufficient deficient inadequate wanting meager scant FATSynonymsfat well-stocked full replete plentiful flush abundant copious well- furnished chockful stuffed Antonymsbarren empty lean |