词汇 | thesaurus_perturbation |
释义 | perturbationnoun These are words and phrases related to perturbation. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of perturbation. RAGESynonymsresentment animosity bitterness spleen madness ire umbrage high dudgeon displeasure irritation pique rage violent anger wrath extreme agitation frenzy indignation fury choler vehemence temper furor excitement passion violent emotional state rampage storm temper tantrum ferment paroxysm Antonymscalm calmness coolness equanimity pleasure gratification joy delight FUSSSynonymscommotion hurly-burly disturbance hubbub confusion turmoil turbulence fuss bustle ado anxious activity stir to-do flutter flurry pother bother ceremony ceremoniousness pomp superfluity fret stew fidget worry agitation much ado about nothing tempest in a teapot fluster hustle scurry Antonymsinactivity peace tranquillity simplicity FRIGHTSynonymsscare fright fear alarm terror panic fear of danger consternation dread apprehension dismay trepidation affright horror concern anxiety misgiving cold feet funk fear and trembling the jitters intimidation reign of terror disquietude the creeps Slang the willies Slang quaking tremor flutter quivering palpitation Antonymsbravery boldness courage fortitude stoutheartedness HUBBUBSynonymshubbub uproar pandemonium tumult ruckus fuss bustle to-do hullabaloo disturbance stir commotion hue and cry disorder confusion turmoil bedlam ferment agitation pother racket noise clamor din hurly-burly babble Antonymsquiet quietness serenity calm calmness tranquillity peacefulness repose equanimity stillness hush NERVOUSNESSSynonymsdisturbance agitation irritability irascibility nervousness excitability flutter shaking hysteria quivering trembling twitching hypersensitivity touchiness timorousness timidity tension tremor fidgetiness stage fright apprehension anxiety the shakes Informal the creeps Informal the fidgets Informal Antonymscalm composure coolness equanimity FLURRYSynonymsnervous hurry agitation turbulence tumult disturbance discomposure restlessness fidgets confusion trepidation flurry bustle sudden excitement commotion fuss ado fluster flutter stir pother fever heat flush haste hurry-scurry PROVOCATIONSynonymsprovocation cause motivation incitement instigation fomentation goad spur prodding stimulation actuation stimulus vexation irritation pique annoyance aggravation excitation slight insult affront offense TENSIONSynonymstension strain stress anxiety apprehension dread nervousness restiveness trepidation misgiving fearfulness hostility combativeness suppressed anger bad vibrations Slang bad vibes Slang Antonymsrelief relaxation ease calmness serenity tranquillity DISCOMPOSURESynonymsdiscomposure agitation uneasiness distraction disturbed condition confusion disquietude discomfiture |