词汇 | thesaurus_penny-pinching |
释义 | penny-pinchingadjective These are words and phrases related to penny-pinching. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of penny-pinching. MISERLYSynonymsmiserly parsimonious stingy selfish avaricious mean tight tight-fisted grasping scrimping penurious pinching frugal illiberal closehanded close-fisted ungenerous greedy niggardly near meager grudging cheap Antonymsgenerous unselfish charitable extravagant prodigal profligate PARSIMONIOUSSynonymsparsimonious frugal saving thrifty economical sparing miserly penurious tight tightfisted close closefisted niggardly ungenerous stingy money-grubbing Antonymsextravagant spendthrift wasteful lavish liberal munificent generous openhanded FRUGALSynonymsparsimonious tight stingy niggardly frugal economical thrifty unwasteful prudent with money sparing economy-minded penny-wise ascetic abstemious Antonymsextravagant wasteful imprudent spendthrift penny-pinchingnoun AVARICESynonymsmiserliness stinginess parsimony penury niggardliness close-fistedness avarice lust for money greed greediness money-grubbing rapacity venality graspingness covetousness worship of the golden calf Antonymsgenerosity benevolence magnanimity munificence charitableness unselfishness extravagance liberality open-handedness |