词汇 | thesaurus_patch-up |
释义 | patch upThese are words and phrases related to patch up. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of patch up. TO REPAIR SOMETHINGI patched up the old bike and got it working. Synonyms and examplesrepair He asked if she could repair the broken lamp. fix I must get my bike fixed. mend Can you mend that hole in my trousers? do up Nick loves doing up old cars. service I'm taking the car to the garage to have it serviced this afternoon. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of patch up. Learn more When you repair something, you take something that is broken or damaged and you make it work again. patch up | American Thesauruspatch upverb These are words and phrases related to patch up. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. RESTORESynonymsrestore reconstruct rebuild recondition rehabilitate refurbish convert renew renovate remodel make over do over fix mend repair retouch touch up SQUARESynonymssquare settle resolve reconcile heal rectify adjust set right reach agreement on compose arbitrate arrange mend straighten out mediate clear up Antonymsentangle prolong worsen AMELIORATESynonymsameliorate improve better help heal fix up correct rectify amend reform revise improve upon make an improvement upon advance promote Antonymsruin botch queer screw up wreck destroy FIXSynonymsfix repair mend correct set right put to rights adjust renovate put in good condition rebuild regulate RECONCILESynonymsharmonize fix up rectify adjust correct reconcile settle set straight make up square TREATSynonymstreat try to cure try to heal doctor attend minister to prescribe for remedy medicate REPAIRSynonymsrepair make up for remedy redress rectify mend amend emend correct Antonymsaggravate exacerbate worsen deepen |