词汇 | thesaurus_passing |
释义 | passingadjective These are words and phrases related to passing. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of passing. FUGITIVESynonymsbrief momentary impermanent fugitive fleeting short-lived transitory evanescent transient fugacious ephemeral unstable errant erratic elusive volatile flitting uncertain hurried hasty cursory summary short temporary fading shifting Antonymslasting permanent durable changeless immutable endless eternal CASUALSynonymscasual incidental informal haphazard random undirected offhand vague so-so half-hearted indiscriminate relaxed cool easygoing lackadaisical blasé nonchalant indifferent Antonymsserious committed concerned specific direct systematic professional all-consuming wholehearted fanatic passionate enthusiastic HASTYSynonymscursory brief rushed fleeting momentary breathless superficial hasty fast quick hurried rapid speedy swift prompt fleet quick as a wink Antonymsslow leisurely plodding long protracted detailed meticulous thorough exhaustive SUPERFICIALSynonymssuperficial shallow skin-deep summary incomplete slight faint slim flimsy cursory perfunctory partial minimal surface nodding desultory Antonymsthorough complete total CURSORYSynonymscursory quick hasty hurried swift brief perfunctory random haphazard casual offhand superficial desultory careless inattentive Antonymsslow careful painstaking meticulous scrupulous searching profound elaborate minute TEMPORALSynonymstemporal noneternal temporary transient fleeting ephemeral evanescent day-to-day fugitive impermanent worldly mundane mortal Antonymseternal everlasting otherworldly unearthly RESPECTABLESynonymsrespectable ample sufficient fairly good fairly large considerable fair moderate proper satisfactory admissible decent worthy Antonymssmall poor paltry inadequate demeaning PROVISIONALSynonymsprovisional tentative conditional contingent interim limited makeshift rough-and-ready stopgap temporary transient transitional experimental Antonymspermanent definite fixed TOKENSynonymstoken superficial nodding of no real value perfunctory symbolic nominal for show minimal serving as a sample vestigial Antonymsreal actual valuable worthwhile serious equitable deep passingnoun TRANSMISSIONSynonymstransmission transmitting transfer transferring transference passage handing over changing of hands transmittal transmittance sending conveyance dispatch forwarding transportation delivery remittance PASSAGESynonymspassage progression movement trip journey voyage excursion expedition tour junket trek transit right to pass cost of ship transportation ship's fare TRANSITIONSynonymstransition change changeover alteration passage shifting jump leap conversion variation transformation transmutation progression gradation graduation DEATHSynonymsdeath dying demise departure |