词汇 | thesaurus_parallel |
释义 | paralleladjective These are words and phrases related to parallel. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of parallel. Parallel lines never meet. Synonymsrunning side by side coextensive lying side by side equidistant concurrent alongside abreast Antonymnonparallel Stamp collecting and coin collecting are parallel hobbies. Synonymssimilar like alike analogous comparative comparable collateral corresponding akin correlative twin equivalent Antonymsdissimilar unlike distinct different divergent disparate parallelnoun The speaker pointed out the parallel between the French Revolution and the American Revolution. Synonymscomparison analogy likeness correlation identification relation connection parallelism correspondence resemblance similarity coincidence Antonymsdissimilarity difference divergence unlikeness disparity The navy's able-bodied seaman is the parallel of the army's private. Synonymscounterpart equivalent equal corollary match correspondent correlative analogue same twin Antonymsopposite reverse counter parallelverb The stream parallels the road for several miles. Synonymsrun parallel to follow run abreast of keep pace with Your educational background parallels mine. Synonymsbe equivalent to be similar to be alike compare with be comparable to correspond to be analogous to amount to the same thing duplicate equal match Antonymsbe dissimilar be unlike differ diverge |