词汇 | thesaurus_out-of-fashion |
释义 | out of fashionadjective These are words and phrases related to out of fashion. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of out of fashion. PASSÉSynonymspassé old-fashioned out-of-date outdated outmoded démodé antiquated antediluvian superannuated quaint ancient antique archaic obsolete stale hoary prehistoric Slang lapsed disused retired outworn faded past Antonymsmodern new novel current up-to-date new-fashioned newfangled mod Slang hip Slang with-it Slang au courant French á la page French dans le vent French INAPPROPRIATESynonymsinappropriate unsuitable unsuited improper out of place ill-timed incongruous unfitting inapt incompatible in bad taste indecorous infelicitous unbecoming Antonymsappropriate fitting proper felicitous suitable meet fit decorous becoming OLD-FASHIONEDSynonymsold-fashioned out-of-date outmoded unfashionable behind the times out of style passé from time gone by antiquated antique outdated obsolete corny Slang Antonymsmodern up-to-date current new-fangled new-fashioned in style fashionable in vogue up-to-the-minute chic a la mode avant-garde modish Slang mod Slang with-it Slang out-of-fashionadjective These are words and phrases related to out-of-fashion. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. OUTMODEDSynonymsoutmoded out-of-date dated old-fashioned old-timey démodé passé archaic antique vintage antiquated outdated behind the times old hat Slang corny Slang tired Slang Antonymsup-to-date stylish modish with it Slang hip Slang cool Slang |