词汇 | thesaurus_open-minded |
释义 | open-mindedThese are words and phrases related to open-minded. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of open-minded. WILLING TO CONSIDER NEW OR DIFFERENT IDEASThe campaign attracts progressive, open-minded people. Synonyms and examplestolerant They are very tolerant of different religions in that country. broad-minded Travel helps you become more broad-minded. receptive He was very receptive to the idea. liberal They have a very liberal attitude towards sex. have an open mind He dislikes the poll tax, but his wife has an open mind about it. unbiased Journalists must remain unbiased when they report the news. non-judgmental My best friend always listens to me and is so non-judgmental. inclusive Our organization strives to be more inclusive. big-tent They claim to be a big-tent party, with room for many different approaches to key issues. Antonyms and examplesnarrow-minded No one that narrow-minded should be a teacher. intolerant He became more and more intolerant as he grew older. illiberal formal Illiberal policies will hurt progress. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of open-minded. Learn more If someone is open-minded, they are willing to consider new or different ideas. open-minded | American Thesaurusopen-mindedadjective These are words and phrases related to open-minded. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of open-minded. AMENABLESynonymsfavorably disposed cordial persuadable tractable open acquiescent willing obliging complaisant sympathetic yielding submissive amenable agreeable willing to agree willing to listen responsive cooperative Antonymsclosed-minded obstinate stubborn headstrong truculent recalcitrant autocratic autonomous UNBIASEDSynonymsunbiased unprejudiced impartial neutral disinterested dispassionate detached just fair uninfluenced liberal broad-minded tolerant unbigoted undogmatic fair-minded ENLIGHTENEDSynonymsenlightened aware broad-minded civilized cultivated educated informed instructed knowledgeable learned liberal literate reasonable refined sophisticated Antonymsunenlightened ignorant narrow-minded unaware uneducated BROAD-MINDEDSynonymsbroad-minded tolerant catholic unprejudiced unbiased unbigoted undogmatic liberal flexible unprovincial charitable amenable receptive magnanimous Antonymsnarrow-minded closed-minded intolerant prejudiced biased bigoted inflexible dogmatic provincial uncharitable UNDECIDEDSynonymsundecided unsure irresolute indecisive of two minds fluctuating wavering vacillating dubious in a dilemma going around in circles Informal blowing hot and cold Informal hemming and hawing Informal Antonymsresolute decisive closed-minded steadfast unwavering certain ADAPTABLESynonymsadaptable flexible pliant compliant unrigid easygoing obliging accommodating conformable malleable tractable amenable Antonymsinflexible rigid fixed closed-minded uptight Slang HOSPITABLESynonymshospitable receptive accessible open approachable agreeable responsive amenable tolerant Antonymsclose-minded unreceptive unapproachable |