词汇 | thesaurus_of-a-piece |
释义 | of a pieceadjective These are words and phrases related to of a piece. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. EQUALSynonymsidentical one and the same matched evenly matched equal the same even like uniform equivalent proportional corresponding correlative symmetrical balanced evenly balanced tantamount comparable commensurate Antonymsunequal different uneven unlike dissimilar varied diverse disparate disproportionate incommensurate irregular unbalanced UNIFORMSynonymsuniform alike equal identical similar consistent consonant harmonious agreeing of one mind conforming at one in accord in step in line Antonymsunalike unlike dissimilar nonstandard multiform mixed disagreeing discordant individual ALIKESynonymsalike same identical uniform equal even akin one and the same kindred parallel corresponding equivalent synonymous homogeneous analogous Antonymsdifferent unlike dissimilar distinct separate divergent diverse HOMOGENEOUSSynonymshomogeneous of the same kind all alike uniform unmixed unvarying unadulterated consistent constant pure akin kindred similar identical Antonymsheterogeneous mixed varied varying variegated different diverse divers various divergent THOROUGHSynonymsuniform consistent thorough perfect pure utter sheer total entire absolute unmitigated unqualified downright out-and-out Antonymsmarred mitigated qualified imperfect with reservation CONSISTENTSynonymsconsistent harmonious consonant in agreement agreeing unified compatible congenial meet correspondent congruous suitable Antonymsinconsistent in disagreement incompatible noncongenial incongruous discordant contradictory contrary unsuitable |