词汇 | thesaurus_now-and-then |
释义 | now and thenadjective These are words and phrases related to now and then. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. SPORADICSynonymssporadic irregular spotty scattered sparse spasmodic fitful widely spaced occasional infrequent periodic fragmentary intermittent discontinuous few and far between meager few thin scarce rare isolated uncommon haphazard random Antonymscontinuous regular steady constant now and thenadverb OCCASIONALLYSynonymsoccasionally at times sometimes from time to time every now and then once in a while infrequently seldom hardly ever rarely once in a blue moon intermittently sporadically irregularly periodically fitfully Antonymsalways constantly continually continuously incessantly often frequently regularly again and again over and over habitually customarily generally ordinarily usually SELDOMSynonymshardly ever sporadically occasionally once in a great while uncommonly seldom rarely scarcely not often not frequently infrequently Antonymsoften frequently always now-and-thenadjective These are words and phrases related to now-and-then. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. FITFULSynonymsfitful irregular intermittent periodic sporadic spasmodic now-and-again unsteady changeable erratic fluctuating uneven random variable convulsive weak listless Antonymsconstant steady incessant even equable regular uniform orderly systematic methodical predictable calculable changeless unchanging immutable |