词汇 | thesaurus_nonprofessional |
释义 | nonprofessionaladjective These are words and phrases related to nonprofessional. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of nonprofessional. LAICSynonymsamateur inexperienced laic secular lay secularistic laical worldly civil temporal nonpastoral nonecclesiastical nonclerical profane popular Antonymspastoral clerical spiritual unworldly nonsecular LAYSynonymslay unprofessional amateur inexpert inexperienced partly informed nonspecialist Antonymsprofessional expert specialized DABBLERSynonymsdabbler amateur dilettante putterer trifler dallier Antonymsprofessional expert adept VOLUNTEERSynonymsunpaid volunteer of volunteers by volunteers voluntary Antonymspaid professional commercial nonprofessionalnoun LAYMANSynonymslayman laic lay person parishioner member of the flock catechumen churchman communicant churchwoman brother sister lay brother lay sister outsider amateur Antonymsprofessional insider specialist cleric clergyman AMATEURSynonymsamateur dabbler hobbyist dilettante beginner novice neophyte greenhorn tyro Antonymsprofessional expert VOLUNTEERSynonymsvolunteer charity worker unpaid worker Antonymsforced laborer appointed agent |