词汇 | thesaurus_nervy |
释义 | nervyadjective These are words and phrases related to nervy. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of nervy. INSOLENTSynonymsinsolent disrespectful insulting impertinent rude discourteous impolite impudent unmannerly audacious brazen bumptious outrageous arrogant presumptuous defiant fresh overbearing haughty supercilious disdainful contemptuous galling cheeky Informal Antonymsrespectful deferential submissive courteous polite civil complimentary mannerly JUMPYSynonymsjumpy jittery nervous skittish fidgety agitated shaky fluttery trembling twitching twitchy aflutter fretful apprehensive anxious uneasy uptight Slang goosey Slang alarmed panicky frightened Antonymscalm unruffled composed serene sedate IMPUDENTSynonymsfresh Informal cheeky Informal smart-alecky Informal wise acreish Informal impudent rude brash disrespectful insolent discourteous impolite shameless saucy bold brazen impertinent upstart forward bumptious Antonymsrespectful courteous polite deferential FRESHSynonymsforward presumptuous smart-alecky flippant fresh impudent rude cheeky pert saucy sassy brazen insolent snotty Slang bold brassy assuming obtrusive meddlesome Antonymssweet amiable charming well-mannered courteous respectful UNEASYSynonymsuneasy ill at ease awkward uncomfortable strained nervous edgy on edge unsure tense constrained disquieted uptight Slang PRESUMPTUOUSSynonymspresumptuous bold audacious daring overconfident overfamiliar forward shameless brash brazen brassy fresh cocky SPIRITEDSynonymscourageous plucky intrepid fearless bold spirited high-spirited full of spirit lively mettlesome frisky fiery Antonymsspiritless dispirited timid sluggish DAREDEVILSynonymsdaredevil rash adventurous risk-taking reckless heedless foolhardy wild devil-may-care venturesome |