词汇 | thesaurus_nearby |
释义 | nearbyadjective These are words and phrases related to nearby. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of nearby. PRESENTSynonymsin at hand near about in the room present here attending in attendance not absent not away accounted for on-the-spot Informal on hand Informal nigh vicinal existing in a place or thing embedded unremoved implanted rooted ensconced Antonymabsent LOCALSynonymsadjoining local citywide regional sectional provincial neighborhood territorial native homegrown geographically restricted limited circumscribed confined narrow insular parochial Antonymsinternational worldwide national nationwide foreign exotic NEIGHBORINGSynonymsneighboring adjacent adjoining close by contiguous abutting bordering lying close close near next at hand near at hand surrounding circumjacent Antonymsdistant faraway far-off remote UPCOMINGSynonymsupcoming approaching coming forthcoming nearing pending prospective imminent drawing nigh impending momentary looming in the offing Antonymsdistant remote far-off postponed delayed CONTIGUOUSSynonymsclose close-by handy contiguous adjoining bordering abutting adjacent next-door neighboring tangent touching conterminous Antonymsremote distant far-off faraway IMMEDIATESynonymsimmediate next near adjacent close local nearest proximate contiguous nigh not distant recent Antonymsdistant peripheral far remote ACCESSIBLESynonymsaccessible available ready at hand on hand handy within reach obtainable attainable reachable possible Antonymsunavailable far-off unobtainable impossible beyond reach hidden hidden away secreted CLOSESynonymsclose near next to neighboring approximate hard by imminent at hand impending forthcoming nigh Antonymsfar far off distant a long way off nearbyadverb HITHERSynonymshither here over here to this place to the speaker forward onward on near nearer close closer close by Antonymsthither yon there away farther farther away ABOUTSynonymsabout close not far around nearbypreposition BYSynonymsby next to near nigh close to beside along alongside |