词汇 | thesaurus_moneyless |
释义 | moneylessadjective These are words and phrases related to moneyless. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. POORSynonymspoor poverty-stricken indigent insolvent destitute impoverished penniless pauperized bankrupt impecunious broke Slang needy in need in want in straits strapped badly off Informal hard up Informal on the rocks Informal Antonymsaffluent wealthy moneyed fortunate lucky well-off Informal in the chips Slang on easy street Slang comfortable UNSUCCESSFULSynonymspoor penniless strapped hard up badly off unsuccessful unlucky hapless unfortunate ill-starred luckless unprosperous thwarted foiled baffled profitless unprofitable unremunerative Antonymslucky fortunate prosperous thriving flourishing rich wealthy well-to-do well-off affluent profitable remunerative INSOLVENTSynonymsinsolvent incapable of discharging liabilities penniless impecunious unable to satisfy creditors unable to pay one's bills short of money destitute ruined out of money bankrupt overextended impoverished broke Informal wiped out Informal unable to make ends meet Informal down-and-out Informal Antonymssolvent wealthy flourishing thriving sound moneyed rich flush Informal |