词汇 | thesaurus_mob |
释义 | mobnoun These are words and phrases related to mob. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of mob. The police tried to control the mob. Synonymsriotous throng disorderly crowd rabble horde crush of people gathering assembly The politician geared his platform to the mob. Synonymscommon people masses rank and file hoi polloi populace proletariat plebeians lower classes rabble multitude the great unwashed Informal herd Informal They say he's a member of the mob. Synonymsband or gang of criminals organized crime underworld network syndicate Mafia mobverb The kids mobbed the star when he left the theater. Synonymssurround noisily swarm around flock to converge on crowd around excitedly the mobThese are words and phrases related to the mob. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. HOI POLLOISynonymsthe lower orders the masses the crowd the herd the multitude the lower classes the vulgar the rank and file commonalty populace every Tom Dick and Harry hoi polloi the common people the plebs the proletariat the proles the working class riffraff rabble canaille French Antonymsaristocrats blue bloods the upper class high society the ruling class the intelligentsia the illuminati The Beautiful People the mobnoun PROLETARIATSynonymslower classes Disparaging lower orders Disparaging the herd Disparaging the horde Disparaging rabble Disparaging the great unwashed Disparaging proletariat working class laboring classes laborers rank and file wage earners the common people the masses the people populace the crowd the multitude commonalty commoners commonage hoi polloi Greek plebsLatin populusLatin vulgus mobileLatin canaille French Antonymsupper class aristocracy blue bloods upper crust gentry nobility UNDERWORLDSynonymsunderworld criminal element criminals organized crime gangsters mobsters the syndicate loosely the Mafia loosely the Cosa Nostra loosely the mobplural noun MASSESSynonymsmasses the common people the crowd the multitude the populace the many hoi polloi the common herd the great unwashed the working class the proletariat the lower classes proles plebeians plebes the riffraff rabble the man in the street the rank and file every Tom Dick and Harry Antonymsthe élite the aristocracy the gentry the upper class bluebloods silk stockings society high society the crème de la crème the Beautiful People the intelligentsia the cognoscenti the illuminati the middle class the bourgeoisie PEOPLESynonymsthe lower classes the lower orders the working class the working man the rabble the herd the crowd the great unwashed the hoi polloi people the public the common people the little people the rank and file the masses the multitude the millions the man in the street John Q. Public commoners the common run Antonymsnobility aristocracy gentry upper classes blue bloods silk-stockings |