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释义 | mess upThese are words and phrases related to mess up. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of mess up. TO SPOIL SOMETHINGLaurie's illness has completely messed up all our holiday plans. Synonyms and examplesspoil Don't spoil the movie by telling me what happens! ruin I put too much salt in the sauce and ruined it. deface Many of the library books had been defaced. disfigure Her face was disfigured by the scar. sour Our friendship soured after the argument, and we just drifted apart. poison The long dispute has poisoned relations between the two countries. screw up informal That new software has really screwed up my computer. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of mess up. Learn more If you spoil something, you destroy or reduce the pleasure, beauty, or interest of something. mess up | American Thesaurusmess upverb These are words and phrases related to mess up. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. BUNGLESynonymsbungle blunder botch miff mismanage do badly spoil ruin mar butcher make a mess of miscalculate misreckon misestimate miscompute misjudge foul up Slang louse up Slang goof Slang screw up Slang flub Informal Antonymssucceed accomplish effect carry off carry out triumph SPOILSynonymsspoil ruin botch foul up mar bungle impair damage muddle blemish flaw blight disrupt disfigure mutilate destroy harm injure deface Antonymsenhance improve DISARRANGESynonymsdisarrange scramble disorder mix up displace put out of order disarray upset jumble scatter disorganize confuse put askew muddle turn topsy-turvy rumple dishevel ruffle Antonymsarrange order systematize methodize SCRAMBLESynonymsbring into disorder upset throw into confusion unsettle disturb scatter scramble stir together mix together mix up jumble garble disarrange shuffle disorganize confuse disorder FUMBLESynonymsfumble mishandle bungle botch butcher spoil mar muff bumble muddle boggle bollix bobble blow Slang louse up Slang goof up Slang screw up Slang DIRTYSynonymsdirty soil make dirty slop up sully smear besmear smudge muddy stain spot tarnish begrime blacken pollute muck up Antonymsclean tidy up OBFUSCATESynonymsobfuscate confuse obscure blur muddle garble scramble befog complicate distort becloud confound fluster stupefy Antonymsclear up clarify simplify elucidate STUMBLESynonymshash up botch bungle stumble blunder slip up make mistakes falter ERRSynonymserr make a mistake slip up be incorrect be in error be inaccurate miscalculate blunder |
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