词汇 | thesaurus_maneuvering |
释义 | maneuveringadjective These are words and phrases related to maneuvering. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of maneuvering. ARTFULSynonymsartful cunning crafty sly wily foxy strategic diplomatic politic scheming designing contriving machinating deceitful deceptive underhand disingenuous shifty tricky Antonymsartless simple natural candid open frank straightforward unsophisticated ingenuous naïve SHIFTYSynonymsshifty crafty foxy cunning wily scheming contriving conniving sneaky slippery tricky deceitful evasive unreliable untrustworthy treacherous dishonest Antonymsopen straightforward direct artless guileless reliable dependable trustworthy loyal maneuveringnoun STRATEGYSynonymstactics devices game artifice policy machination plotting strategy military plan overall plan grand design scheme DIPLOMACYSynonymsartful management skill subtlety delicacy craft artfulness diplomacy tact finesse discretion prudence savoir-faire Antonymstactlessness crassness awkwardness clumsiness ineptness LEGERDEMAINSynonymslegerdemain deception trickery artfulness cunning adroit manipulation |