词汇 | thesaurus_leave-off |
释义 | leave offverb These are words and phrases related to leave off. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. STOPSynonymsstop come to an end cease come to a halt discontinue conclude finish be over desist break off terminate run its course run out wind down peter out quit hold reach completion come to a standstill pause intermit lapse pass away draw to a close expire surcease draw up brake stall pull up alight become inactive idle falter rest stand drop anchor Antonymsstart begin commence continue proceed progress advance HALTSynonymsterminate quit cease discontinue halt stop come to a stop come to a standstill pull up draw up wait rest pause tarry linger suspend interrupt knock off Slang hang fire Slang close up shop break off call it a day wind up arrest brake check rein in throttle down heave to Antonymscontinue go ahead proceed begin start resume CEASESynonymscease stop halt desist quit conclude end bring to an end finish terminate forbear break off adjourn discontinue suspend pause refrain from abstain from die away pass surcease abate come to a standstill Antonymsbegin commence start initiate continue persist FORBEARSynonymseschew renounce forgo abnegate discontinue stop cease quit break off forbear refrain desist abstain do without hold back give up REFRAINSynonymsforbear forgo renounce eschew avoid refuse resist refrain abstain restrain oneself keep oneself hold off desist stay one's hand curb oneself Antonymsindulge in be intemperate continue persist go ahead DISCONTINUESynonymsdiscontinue stop break off interrupt terminate suspend drop cease desist give up quit abstain abandon end put an end to Antonymscontinue further extend ENDSynonymsend conclude halt draw to a close terminate cease finish stop put an end to run out wind up close bring down the curtain Antonymsbegin start commence |