词汇 | thesaurus_labyrinthine |
释义 | labyrinthineadjective These are words and phrases related to labyrinthine. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of labyrinthine. SINUOUSSynonymssinuous full of turns winding curving curved bending volute convoluted folded serpentine mazelike twisted twisting coiling zigzag meandering wandering circuitous roundabout indirect rambling tortuous undulating Antonymsstraight direct beeline COMPLEXSynonymscomposite compound manifold multiple multifarious variegated mixed tangled knotty labyrinthian complex complicated intricate involved difficult perplexing bewildering puzzling enigmatic Antonymssimple uncomplicated easy uninvolved clear obvious unconfused ROUNDABOUTSynonymsroundabout indirect meandering circuitous sinuous twisting rambling erratic discursive tortuous devious oblique zigzag winding serpentine circumlocutory wordy random desultory Antonymsstraight direct INVOLVEDSynonymsinvolved complex complicated convoluted elaborate intricate knotty tangled tortuous winding confusing Antonymsuncomplicated easy simple straightforward COMPLICATEDSynonymscomplicated complex Byzantine difficult hard circuitous convoluted elaborate entangled intricate involved Antonymsclear uncomplicated easy simple uninvolved |