词汇 | thesaurus_jocularity |
释义 | jocularitynoun These are words and phrases related to jocularity. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of jocularity. MERRIMENTSynonymsmerriment mirth laughter gaiety jollity hilarity frolic fun good fun good spirits revelry glee sportiveness amusement cheer gleefulness celebration joviality lightheartedness liveliness jocundity festivity merrymaking levity good humor jubilation skylarking exhilaration conviviality whoopee Informal hoopla Informal Antonymscheerlessness joylessness distress misery mourning GLEESynonymsjollity hilarity mirth laughter verve jollification cheerfulness joviality glee merriment gaiety joy joyfulness joyousness exhilaration exultation rapture delight gladness ecstasy playfulness liveliness sprightliness sportiveness Antonymssadness gloom dejection depression melancholy sorrow misery the blues Slang the dumps Slang LEVITYSynonymslevity frivolity lightness lightheartedness whimsy lack of earnestness or seriousness triviality hilarity foolishness silliness joking mirth trifling flippancy flightiness pleasantry fun Antonymsgravity seriousness sobriety earnestness solemnity dignity WITSynonymswit cleverness sense of humor humor drollery levity funniness waggery quickness at repartee brightness sparkle vivacity Antonymsseriousness gravity solemnity sobriety dullness HUMORSynonymshumor funniness comedy comicality ridiculousness ludicrousness drollery nonsense jocoseness jocosity Antonymsseriousness gravity solemnity sobriety sadness grief sorrow melancholy |