词汇 | thesaurus_inspiring |
释义 | inspiringadjective These are words and phrases related to inspiring. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of inspiring. AWESOMESynonymsawesome solemn majestic magnificent wondrous formidable astonishing amazing awe-inspiring breathtaking overwhelming stupefying fearsome fearful frightening terrifying dreadful alarming disquieting perturbing intimidating EXCITINGSynonymsexciting thrilling electrifying breathtaking hair-raising spine-tingling rousing sensational stirring impelling provocative stimulating moving affecting dazzling zestful jiggy Slang titillating spicy risqué Antonymsunexciting uninteresting dull quiet stodgy boring monotonous wearisome humdrum drab dreary soporific INFLUENTIALSynonymsleading moving activating influential effective instrumental having influence consequential effectual forceful powerful efficacious important significant momentous potent puissant strong weighty Antonymsuninfluential weak ineffective ineffectual unefficacious inoperative inconsiderable unpersuasive powerless impotent unimportant EXHILARATINGSynonymsexhilarating invigorating animating exciting breathtaking rousing cheering electric enlivening exalting gladdening intoxicating quickening stimulating stirring thrilling tonic uplifting vitalizing ELECTRICSynonymselectric thrilling stirring exciting dynamic electrifying spirited stimulating exalting rousing soul-stirring full of fire galvanizing Antonymsdull flat unexciting spiritless unmoving uninspiring tedious boring colorless insipid ordinary prosaic MOVINGSynonymsmoving motivating spurring stimulating |