词汇 | thesaurus_inoperative |
释义 | inoperativeadjective These are words and phrases related to inoperative. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of inoperative. FRUITLESSSynonymsabortive fruitless unfruitful pointless purposeless useless bootless unsuccessful unavailing empty hollow vain futile ineffective ineffectual inefficacious unrewarding unprofitable profitless nugatory worthless inept incompetent Antonymsuseful profitable rewarding fruitful effective worthwhile productive INVALIDSynonymsinvalid not valid void null nugatory useless forceless ineffective good-for-nothing worthless dead letter unconvincing illogical fallacious unsupported unsupportable unsound false Antonymsvalid sound legal legitimate correct forceful logical INEFFECTIVESynonymsinefficient unproductive weak powerless inadequate useless impotent ineffective of little use not much good futile vain not producing results fruitless incapable worthless Antonymseffective effectual efficacious efficient useful profitable capable productive adequate UNABLESynonymsunable powerless impotent inadequate incapable incapacitated incompetent ineffectual inefficient inept unfitted unqualified unskilled weak helpless Antonymsable powerful capable competent effective potent adept NULLSynonymsnull invalid void nonexistent null and void worthless unimportant insignificant valueless no good immaterial NG Slang Antonymsvalid lawful binding DEFECTIVESynonymsout of order defective faulty imperfect lacking deficient flawed impaired inadequate insufficient wanting broken Antonymsperfect adequate intact entire whole INACTIVESynonymsinactive idle inert quiet still dormant on the shelf out of service unused static Antonymsactive operative operating functional VOIDSynonymsvoid invalid not legally binding not legally enforceable not in force null nugatory Antonymsvalid in effect binding enforceable operative DEADSynonymsdead inactive not working not responsive out of operation Antonymsworking responsive operative operating active in motion alive |