词汇 | thesaurus_infringement |
释义 | infringementnoun These are words and phrases related to infringement. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of infringement. INJUSTICESynonymsunjust act wrong disservice infraction injury iniquity wrongdoing sin persecution unfair treatment encroachment tyranny transgression offense foul play evil malpractice injustice unjustness unjust character unfairness inequality bias prejudice partiality inequity bigotry favoritism partisanship Antonymsjustice equity fairness fair play impartiality lawfulness rectitude right righteousness equality TRANSGRESSIONSynonymsinfraction breach encroachment contravention overstepping transgression offense sin misdeed evil deed trespass lapse iniquity wrongdoing wrong immorality error violation crime lawbreaking Antonymsvirtue morality probity righteousness grace good deed merit observance compliance adherence MISDEEDSynonymsmisdeed transgression misdemeanor sin offense misconduct faux pas peccadillo indiscretion misbehavior lapse slip wrong trespass violation malfeasance crime felony atrocity outrage INFRACTIONSynonymsinfraction violation breaking of a law lawbreaking breach transgression trespass encroachment disobedience unobservance nonobservance insubordination peccadillo VIOLATIONSynonymsviolation breach infraction transgression trespass encroachment contravention nonobservance abuse dishonoring defilement desecration sacrilege Antonymsobedience compliance honoring revering upholding BREACHSynonymsbreach violation infraction transgression disobedience trespass defiance nonobservance noncompliance disregard neglect dereliction failure Antonymsadherence to observance compliance with obedience fidelity to attention heed regard PLAGIARISMSynonymsplagiarism borrowing copying appropriation cribbing lifting literary theft piracy TRESPASSSynonymstrespass wrongful entry unlawful entry encroachment intrusion invasion |