词汇 | thesaurus_infecund |
释义 | infecundadjective These are words and phrases related to infecund. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. INFERTILESynonymsinfertile barren unfruitful sterile unproductive nonproductive arid bare fallow desolate fruitless impotent unprolific effete depleted exhausted drained Antonymsfertile fruitful productive fecund UNFRUITFULSynonymsbarren impoverished worn-out fallow unfruitful fruitless unproductive unprofitable unrewarding unremunerative unavailing useless futile vain purposeless Antonymsfruitful productive useful rewarding profitable BARRENSynonymsbarren infertile sterile farrow of cows Antonymsfecund prolific |