词汇 | thesaurus_inexhaustible |
释义 | inexhaustibleadjective These are words and phrases related to inexhaustible. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of inexhaustible. GREATSynonymsmany countless multitudinous abundant unlimited boundless manifold great vast immense enormous huge large big tremendous gigantic colossal stupendous mammoth prodigious voluminous gross monstrous cyclopean titanic gargantuan Antonymssmall little tiny diminutive puny insignificant petty paltry trivial trifling measly mean PERPETUALSynonymscontinuous ceaseless incessant unceasing interminable uninterrupted unremitting repeated continual perpetual lasting forever lasting permanent everlasting eternal abiding enduring constant sustained endless never ending unending Antonymstemporary impermanent brief fleeting momentary passing short-lived transitory transient ephemeral PLENTIFULSynonymsplentiful abundant profuse copious bountiful bounteous prolific lavish ample abounding plenteous overflowing lush liberal generous large unsparing unstinted infinite Antonymsscant scanty sparse inadequate insufficient deficient scarce skimpy sparing small meager IMMEASURABLESynonymsinterminable endless never-ending immeasurable beyond measure limitless inestimable incalculable measureless fathomless immense unlimited illimitable infinite unbounded boundless unfathomable Antonymsmeasurable finite limited circumscribed restricted bounded specific exact UNFAILINGSynonymsunfailing endless continual continuous constant dependable reliable never-failing faithful unchanging true loyal unwavering steady infallible enduring Antonymsundependable unreliable unfaithful treacherous disloyal untrue inconstant wavering unsteady faulty fallible BOUNDLESSSynonymslimitless unlimited unbounded endless meas-ureless immeasurable infinite incalculable without end unending everlasting perpetual unrestricted boundless vast immense Antonymslimited restricted bounded circumscribed small little INDEFATIGABLESynonymsindefatigable tireless persevering persistent diligent dogged energetic sedulous unfaltering unflagging untiring unwearying staunch |