词汇 | thesaurus_inculpable |
释义 | inculpableadjective These are words and phrases related to inculpable. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of inculpable. UNIMPEACHABLESynonymsunimpeachable totally honest beyond criticism impeccable irreproachable above reproach unassailable beyond question blameless faultless perfect unmarred unblemished spotless stainless untainted clean undefiled inviolate pure immaculate reliable trustworthy unquestionable solid unchallengeable infallible Antonymsquestionable dubious debatable controversial suspect faulty imperfect tainted untrustworthy unreliable BLAMELESSSynonymsblameless not responsible not at fault guiltless not guilty innocent unblamable clear irreproachable spotless unspotted unsullied untainted unstained unblemished uncorrupted unimpeachable Antonymsresponsible at fault guilty implicated culpable sullied tainted censurable reprovable UNACCOUNTABLESynonymsunaccountable not responsible not answerable not accountable not liable blameless innocent free clear excused exempt immune Antonymsaccountable responsible answerable liable culpable guilty blamable blameworthy IRREPROACHABLESynonymsirreproachable beyond reproach or criticism above reproof without fault flawless blameless faultless impeccable unblemished stainless unspotted unimpeachable Antonymsreproachable flawed blameworthy faulty INNOCENTSynonymsinnocent guiltless blameless faultless free from moral wrong above suspicion sinless irreproachable upright unimpeachable Antonymsguilty culpable blameworthy responsible immoral iniquitous nefarious sinful unlawful vicious vile wicked evil wrong impure tainted |