词汇 | thesaurus_hold-in-contempt |
释义 | hold in contemptverb These are words and phrases related to hold in contempt. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. SCORNSynonymsscorn look down on esteem lightly contemn be contemptuous of despise curl one's lip at disdain treat with disdain refuse to recognize not countenance care nothing for spurn refuse rebuff reject repulse ignore disregard refuse to deal with have nothing to do with refuse to listen to turn a deaf ear to slight ostracize spit upon Antonymsesteem revere look up to admire accept HATESynonymshate dislike despise detest abhor loathe abominate execrate bear malice toward be hostile to not be able to bear have no use for recoil from shrink from be repelled by be sick of be tired of give one a pain give one a pain in the neck Antonymsbe fond of delight in regard highly esteem treasure prize cherish dote on be attracted by |