词汇 | thesaurus_hokum |
释义 | hokumnoun These are words and phrases related to hokum. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of hokum. BUNKSynonymsbunk poppycock baloney tommyrot rot hogwash claptrap humbug hooey malarky spinach applesauce hot air stuff and nonsense stuff bull bunkum balderdash blather nonsense foolishness inanity bombast ridiculousness MUMBO JUMBOSynonymshot air Slang blah Slang Jabberwocky Slang tripe Slang rot Slang bosh Slang bilge Slang baloney Slang hooey Slang fiddle-faddle Slang mumbo jumbo hocus pocus humbug double-speak gobbledygook flummery gibberish double talk cant sophistry obfuscation obscurantism tosh British HUMBUGSynonymsbull Slang humbug pretense pretentiousness pretension sham hypocrisy flummery equivocation mendacity lying lies falsification falsehood nonsense poppycock bunk Informal bunkum Informal balderdash Informal blather Informal claptrap Informal hocus-pocus Informal Antonymstruth truthfulness the real McCoy CLAPTRAPSynonymsclaptrap pretentiousness humbug sham fustian tomfoolery staginess tinsel gaudiness quackery affectation tawdriness nonsense blarney twaddle bull Slang baloney Slang flapdoodle Slang bosh Slang tripe Slang bilge Slang DOUBLE-TALKSynonymsdouble-talk mumbo jumbo gobbledygook gibberish nonsense flimflam balderdash hocus-pocus twaddle blather gabble jabber drivel prattle palaver baloney bunk bunkum jazz Slang RHETORICSynonymshot air Slang wind Slang hocus-pocus Slang hooey Slang bunkum Slang bunk Slang rhetoric eloquence magniloquence grandiloquence flamboyance figures of speech hyperbole euphuism empty phrases fustian |