词汇 | thesaurus_helter-skelter |
释义 | helter-skelteradjective These are words and phrases related to helter-skelter. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of helter-skelter. UNTIDYSynonymsuntidy messy disorderly littered cluttered unkempt chaotic disarrayed confused topsy-turvy slovenly sloppy slatternly disheveled mussed mussed up dowdy frowsy rumpled tousled bedraggled careless slipshod unmethodical DISORDERLYSynonymsdisorderly disordered out of order unsystematized disarranged disorganized unsystematic pell-mell unsorted chaotic jumbled confused topsy-turvy untidy messy sloppy disheveled slipshod straggling unkempt careless slovenly Antonymsorderly ordered arranged organized methodical neat tidy UNORGANIZEDSynonymsunorganized unordered orderless unsystematized unsystematic unarranged random casual haphazard confused loose harum-scarum chaotic unclassified aimless disjointed undirected Antonymsorganized ordered systematized systematic arranged classified PROMISCUOUSSynonymspromiscuous indiscriminate uncritical indiscriminative undiscriminating undiscerning unselective indifferent undirected haphazard desultory casual careless aimless Antonymsdiscriminating discerning selective critical distinguishing careful prudent IMPRACTICALSynonymsimpractical unrealistic unwise unintelligent lacking foresight disorganized loose-ended starry-eyed romantic quixotic sloppy careless Antonymssound sensible down-to-earth practical pragmatic clear-eyed realistic systematic DISJOINTEDSynonymsdisjointed disconnected detached having the joints separated unconnected unattached split divided apart disarticulated Antonymsjointed connected attached helter-skelteradverb RAPIDLYSynonymsbriskly hurriedly hastily pell-mell as fast as one's legs will carry one like a house on fire like a shot in high gear rapidly swiftly fast speedily expeditiously with rapid strides apace quickly at a great rate by leaps and bounds overnight at full speed Antonymsslowly gradually PELL-MELLSynonymspell-mell slapdash recklessly posthaste impetuously rashly hastily precipitately hurry-scurry hurriedly heedlessly thoughtlessly carelessly incautiously imprudently at half cock Slang Antonymsorderly neatly methodically calmly serenely |
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